Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

American Dream

I want someone who can make me laugh till the world ends, but then be serious when it does.  I want someone who I can be with for a year, but have it feel like only a month.  I want somone who knows the definition of truth, and speaks it as a common language.  I want someone whos felt emotional pain, but doesn't let it out with a hit.  I want someone who can make me happy, but cry with me on my shoulder for comfert.  I know its a lot to ask for.. and people have told me that im shooting for the stars; but if i shoot for the stars, at least i'll hit something close enough.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


I wish I could say that I take back all I did wrong, but hey! It made me who I am today, ad in pretty proud of that.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Oops I Did It Again

Caitlin started singing this song in journalism..and yeah I do not know why. haha oh the friends I choose. ♥

Monday, November 7, 2011

This is what I need right now..

Grinds my Gears

Another thing that complete grinds my gears..is the fact that guys can just walk around decieving girls..they lie until their butt falls off, and for some reason we always seem to forgive them? well not this time, not me.  Im done with you, sorry.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

new friends.

finding new people for your life is never a bad ting.  learning how to trust others can actually be a good thing.  you get to change things up, and new memories are made in every new day that comes to you.  dont hide your trust just because YOU picked the wrong people to trust in the first place.  be open, you actually might surprise yourself. <3

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Grinds My Gear: Part 3

You know what really grind my gears?  When a person thinks its so funny to laugh at someone with mental retardation.  In sociology today we were learning about how they are recognized in the society, and this girl spoke up and said she was placed in a special ed class in fifth grade because of her own mental condition.  The kid next me actually started laughing!  Are you kidding me? can people me that rude? Really?  This girl was crying, and expressing a serious issue she felt comfertable sharing to the class even though it upset her!  And you laugh! Wow high schoolers are even less mature than 5 year olds sometimes.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


School is really pooping me out. Everyday I get some sort of homework done and feel super happy! Then the thought of the 6 other projects I have to do pops into my head, and I go insane! Common high school, your giving me a headache.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Grinds my Gears

You know what really grinds my gears?  When people in the hallways at school, just randomly stop out of no where!  They cut you off from your line of walk, and you get bashed by a whole bunch of on comming people, I hate that!

Monday, October 24, 2011

We had seen each other all day long.  He walked me to all of my classes.  This was it.  I had been wanting a hug from the kid i liked for over 2 months, but never had the guts.  I gulped, and I slowly asked for a hug in a timmerd low voice.  I wanted for a response, holding my fist tightly closed, and swetty.  HE SAID YES!  On the inside I was jumping for joy, but I knew I would look rediculous if I jumped up and down infront of him.  I  looked at him.  He had that beautiful, pearly white, smile on his face, and he was laughing, because he knew I was super embaressed.  He told me he found it cute :)  I opended up my arms in the jesture, waiting for the hug.  He put his arms around my waiste and gave me the biggest hug I had ever had.  I could smell his cologny, it was strong, but it smelt so good.  His arms were warm around my waiste, and I never wanted it to end.  After it was done, I saw his cheeks were super super red, which made me realized he was just as blush faced as I was.  He gave me a quick second hug, and ran off to class.  I had the biggest grin on my face, and I was just standing there because I didn't know what else to do.  I had finally gotten a hug from the kid I have the biggest crush on.  He said he wants another hug tomorrow!  The first hug, for me, is always so special.  It makes you feel appreciated..especially if they ask you for more in the future. ♥

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Why do people lie? The truth always comes out in the end.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Agree much?

Revenge? Oh no, I'll just let karma chew their butt.

have a laugh

This looks like my Daddy when he gets his hair cut..or shaved.. shall I say :)

its a hard life

School has officially made me hit my full level of tired.  I have about 400 pound of laundry to do when I get home.  Plus I am pretty sure that I have to do some chores as well?  This should be an interesting evening.


So..theres this girl named Caitlin.  She is rather unique and has quite the charm.  She is my other half in this world, and no one shall say different..NO ONE I SAY!  How cool is your friend?

Rain rain go away

Rain rain go away, you suck all the fun from my day!
Rain rain go away, you never keep my hair the same!
Rain rain go away, clearly no one wants you here today!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

brain fart

Have you ever sat somewhere writing a paper, and suddenly..you cannot figure out how to spell the most simpilist word?!?  Today during a test I could not for the life of me remember how to spell the word when.  Such an "AAAAHHAAA!" momemnt when I figured it out.


The new Justin Bieber song comes out at 7:45 p.m. tonight?  Why do my friends know this stuff?

Friday, October 14, 2011


Man, i miss old best friends. <3


What happened to the times where we sat down and watched Tom and Jerry?


Hanging with my unusual family this week, this should be fun!